Frag Plugs Large Cerameco 1 1/2" Round.
When you buy Frag Plugs large cerameco you are getting the best most useful frag plug you can get.
These unique Cerameco frag plugs look like purple coralline algae so they blend in to your decoration and live rock in youre saltwater reef aquarium.
No curing or soaking necessary.
Made with a proprietary porous material called Vidarock that promotes faster coral growth compared to standard lower priced frag plugs on the market. Also many other convenient attributes.
1 1/2"diameter mounting surface with 3/8″ round stem.
Natural weathered coral surface ideal for gluing, coral adhesion and growth.
Realistic shape and color.
Snap off stem.
Thicker 3/8″ stem fits snugly in egg crate for extra stability in high flow environments.
These frag plugs are a great tool to have for coral propagation, and a must have as part of your fragging supplies.