Rose Urchin
It got to work right away eating algae off the glass and rocks. When it comes to the surface I give it bits of Nori.
Rose Pincushion Urchin for Sale.
Buy baby sea urchins for saltwater aquarium reef tanks to control nuisance algae and keep live rock clean and healthy.
Live sea urchins for sale are on of the most unique animals to observe in the home display tank and they are useful as well.
Get bio diversity in your saltwater aquarium with sea urchins.
Rose sea urchin will quickly become a pet favorite in your aquarium.
Easy care and hardy to keep.
Baby Sea urchin comes in Size 1"-2".
It got to work right away eating algae off the glass and rocks. When it comes to the surface I give it bits of Nori.
I ordered three urchins, and all came in good condition! They are lively and already have started munching away on the surface algae on my rocks and shells; not to mention picking up rubble.
Ordered the 3 pack, 2 are doing great one didn’t make it. They don’t move around much at first so the 2 hr guarantee doesn’t work well for urchins. Glad the 2 made it and are moving around munching on aglae.
I have ordered Rose Urchins from this company on a couple occasions and they are always great. I ordered the 3 pack and all three were large and hearty with plenty of color and a voracious appetite for hair algae. They will have my bowfront clean in no time I am sure.
They arrived healthy and is great shape. I will order more urchins in the future !