Purple Sword
Nice piece that got dragged around my tank by the clean-up crews, and when I finally got it back, it was still healthy and is looking very pretty in its permanent location.
Purple Sword Blade Gorgonian coral for sale, sometimes known as flat blade or ribbon gorgonian.
When feeding this gorgonian displays white polyps along the edges of the blade.
Size: 8- 10 inch.
The larger the size the taller and bushier it will be.
Comes growing on it's own base rooted soft coral gorgonian.
Nice piece that got dragged around my tank by the clean-up crews, and when I finally got it back, it was still healthy and is looking very pretty in its permanent location.
Takes a beating from my clean up crews, but, it's pretty tough and it's still going strong after being dragged around and pulled off the frag plug.
This thing is gorgeous. It hasn't closed since I got it.