Many reasons to buy Copepod Blends as food for Mandarin fish and corals.Ocean animals like Mandarin fish, seahorses, corals, squid, cuttlefish, shellfish, clams, all the way up to the great whales, depend on eating live copepods as an integral part of their diet. Live copepods and Phytoplankton are the best live fish food you can feed your saltwater reef aquarium tank. When you…
When you’re looking to buy copepods on line make sure you find a supplier that has a variety of many types of copepods available to choose from.Copepods
come in many varieties and types. Calanoid
(free swimming) spend most of their time filter feeding in the water column. Harpacticoid
(Bottom dwelling) spend most of their time walking on substrate, like rocks and
sand.Fish have
RUSALTY Copepods Amphipods Phytoplankton Zooplankton Farm Saltwater Aquaculture Macro Algae Coral Food Fish Food
Live Fish Food Buy Copepods Amphipods Mysid Shrimp Sieves Plankton Collectors Chaetomorpha Baby Brine Shrimp Rotifers