Yellow Bulb

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Yellow Bulb Sponge Required

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Live Yellow Bulb sponge colonies for sale.

If your looking for a large easy to keep hardy type of live sponge specimen to add color to your tank, and for your saltwater marine reef aquarium you found it.

If you run a FOWLR tank or want to set up a fantastic Fish only with live rock tank aquarium you have come to right place.

This sponge has a type of visible white polyps that come out after they acclimate to the tank.

Check out our rare live sponge collection and get a variety to add color to you saltwater fish tank.

This sponge is one of the hardiest and impressive in size. Fast growing sponge that will add beauty to your fish tank.

If you have a fish only tank with not too much color in it, try some of these affordable live sponges and see your aquarium have some color for a change.

Arrive alive or your money back.